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Nightingale Academy

Medway Anglican

Schools Trust

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COVID-19 School Arrangements for Easter Holidays

COVID-19 School Arrangements for Easter Holidays


We wish to thank everyone in our school communities for all that they are doing to safeguard and help each other during this time. We know that everyone is helping in their own way: either by following government  advice and remaining at home; by providing essential care for others or by continuing to work if you are a key worker and entrusting your children to our schools while you are at work. 


All schools except St John's CE Infants are open during the weeks beginning Monday 6th April and Monday 13th April for children of key workers. Key worker families will have been contacted by their schools to find out when they require places. If the days required change please contact the individual schools to update your requirements. 


Food Hampers for the two weeks beginning Monday 6th April and Tuesday 14th April have been ordered for those families who requested them. The hampers will be delivered on the Monday of week one and Tuesday of week  two. Your school will be in touch with you about food vouchers that will be issued from 20th April. 

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